In the context of the Smart House project, the integration of the Metaverse represents a groundbreaking approach to facilitate all...
In this project, our commitment extends to the establishment of two pivotal components within the energy ecosystem: a Dedicated Centralized...
In line with our vision for a sustainable future, we’ve developed a dedicated energy token based on BEP-20—the widely recognized...
Supply Chain and Compliance: Implement blockchain to track the supply chain of components used in smart home equipment, including SMRs....
Integrating the Oracle system for all smart home equipment, including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), is a feasible and beneficial approach....
Supply Chain and Firmware Updates: Blockchain technology can be employed to track the supply chain of IoT devices, ensuring the...
The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) with blockchain technology offers a compelling approach to establish a secure and...
A smart house, also referred to as a smart home, embodies a residential space that seamlessly incorporates various interconnected devices...